Supmea hosts badminton competition

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On November 20th, the 2021 Supmea Badminton Tournament will start shooting hotly! In the last men’s doubles final, the new men’s singles champion, engineer Wang of the R&D department, and his partner Engineer Liu fought three rounds, and finally defeated the defending champion Mr Xu/Mr. Zhou combination 2:1 to win the men’s doubles championship. So as to win the men's double event championship.

Men's Badminton CompetitionBadminton men's doubles

Women's Badminton CompetitionWomen's Badminton Double Team

Adhering to the "Striver Oriented" concept, Supmea has always encouraged its employees to actively participate in various cultural and sports activities, and hopes that every beauty who loves sports and works hard will be both internal and external, strong and soft!

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